Experts suspect voice cloning startup’s involvement in deepfake robocall

Main ideas:

  • Experts speculate that the deepfake robocall of President Biden received by some voters was created using technology from a voice cloning startup.
  • The robocall appeared to be a conversation between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
  • The call was reportedly delivered to voters in swing states and targeted specific communities.
  • Audio deepfakes are becoming more sophisticated and prevalent, raising concerns about their potential impact on democracy.

Experts suspect voice cloning startup’s involvement in deepfake robocall

What happened?

Two experts in the field of audio deepfakes believe that the recent deepfake robocall of President Biden, where a conversation between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden was simulated, was likely created using technology from a voice cloning startup based in Silicon Valley. The robocall targeted voters in swing states and specific communities.

The rise of deepfake audio

Deepfake technology has seen significant advancements in recent years, allowing for the creation of highly realistic and deceptive audio content. This raises concerns about the potential misuse of deepfake technology in elections and democracy as a whole.

The implications

The existence of deepfake robocalls like the one involving President Biden highlights the need for robust strategies to detect and counter the spread of fake audio. Governments, technology companies, and individuals must remain vigilant in identifying and combating the threat posed by increasingly sophisticated deepfake technology.

Author’s take:

The recent deepfake robocall featuring President Biden underscores the increasing sophistication of audio deepfakes and their potential impact on democracy. As technology progresses, it is crucial for society to develop effective strategies to combat the spread of fake audio content and protect the integrity of elections.

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